Wednesday, July 3, 2013

DIY | Easy Floral Headband


Here is another super easy DIY perfect for those days when you just wanna accessorize your hair or even dress it up for a concert! I'm sure you guys have seen these all over media, but this is my easy spin on the Lana Del Rey inspired floral headband!

  • Old unwanted headband
  • scissors
  • Glue Gun
  • Fake Flowers (dollar store)

1. Lets get started! Firstly, you are going to pull the flower buds from the stem. They should easily remove off with a little tug! :)

2. Then you will cut off the excess stem sticking outside of the bud. This will prevent the flower stem from poking you when you wear it. 

OPTIONAL: If the flowers you bought are a little too big for your taste, you can always remove the flower bud holding the petals together and take off some of the pedals to make the flower smaller. After you reach your desired flower size, stick the flower bud back on to hold the petals together. I did this on two of the flowers so that I could put them on each end of the flower crown to create some level in the headband. 

3. Next, I recommend arranging the flowers so that you have an idea of how you want them arranged. Then you can begin hot gluing the flowers on the headband! Start from the center and work your way to each side. When you glue, make sure you are gluing the flowers tilting towards the front so that the flowers aren't pointing straight upwards when you wear it. 

OPTIONAL: Here is another optional step. If you want to add a little bling to your headband, feel free to put some rhinestones! I had some extra rhinestones from an old bracelet that fell apart. 

TADA!! :) You are now ready to wear it! :]

 Happy Crafting! :)

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