Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beauty | What's in my Purse?

HELLOO Again!!

I thought it would be fun to do a little tag! Here are some items I MUST CARRY in my everyday purse!

I try to be minimalist but you can be the judge of that haha! I carry three essentially things in my purse.

1) Wallet
2) Phone
3) Beauty Bag
  • Pocket Tissue: Perfect for people with allergies! like me :(
  • Brush/mirror Compaq: You never know when you gotta check your teeth or fix your hair!
  • Hand Sanitizer: For that fresh and clean feeling
  • Lotion: Perfect for people with dry skin... like me again :'(
  • Burt's Bee Chapstick: Nothing is more distracting than cracked and peeling lips
  • Nail File: Filing your nails when you get a chip helps to promote nail growth
  • Hair Tie/Bobby Pin: In case its hot and you want your hair out of your face
  • Flosser: For those days where you encounter stubborn food
  • Flashlight: Its unbelievable how handy this gadget is and a life savior in emergencies!

I hope I gave you some inspiration on what you could put in your purse! :)

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